2010 - 2019 Encounters, Sightings, Tracks and Legends
As compiled by M.C. Thompson (2005 - Present).
2010 / 01 / Pending follow up investigation.
2010 / 02 / S – Meade River, AK.Sasquatch follows boat traveling down river. (Alaska Dispatch, 25SEPT2012)
2011 / 01 / S – Meade River, AK.Mother and sons see three Sasquatch together. NARRATIVE (edited for content): “We were out boating, me, my sons. It was four days before my husband’s birthday, I will never forget the date. We were heading towards the mouth of the river, to go see the boys who were rescued the night before.” (Witness’ sons had be involved in in a rescue effort to recover a family of eight that was stranded along the river after their boat ran aground.) “After the all-night rescue, my boys and I were heading back to the cabin where they were dropped off. On our way, we saw three big black creatures standing by Ruth Hill. These were big black giant figures standing by the big hill, moving around, walking around for about an hour, watching us move with our boat. The three were standing, walking about the same area, by the hill, looks like they were using this hill for shelter. They were hanging around the same area. These three watched us for about an hour, before we reached the cabin.” “Six hours later, after we spent the afternoon with the boys at cabin, on our way back to our cabin on the Meade River, the three creatures were gone. I think they went inside the big hill. I exactly know where this hill is at.”“As we were passing the hill and the three big creatures, I kept asking my (names deleted) and (name deleted), “Do you see what I'm seeing?” I waved at them, as I stood on the boat seat. They just stared at us, doing nothing but walking in circles like. We got home four days later, to celebrate my husband’s birthday. I didn’t think of this being anything, till 2012. That’s when it finally dawned on me, we saw three big black creatures. I took pictures, the pictures turned out blurry. They were about a mile away from the edge of the river.”
INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The witness contacted Sasquatch Tracker via email. The Meade River area of Alaska is a wetlands area with tens of thousands of small lakes and ponds. Coincidently, this is the second report from the Meade River area. Both sightings happened during September. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2012).
2011 / 02 / S – Ketchikan, AKSighting on logging road. (Alaska Dispatch, 18MAY2011). (Determined to be a hoax, video on internet:” Ketchikan Sasquatch”)
2011 / 03 / S – Chevak, AKCouple spot Sasquatch near airport. (Delta Discovery, 20FEB2013).
2011 / 04 / S – Emmonak, AKUtility Lineman walks to within 10-15 feet of Sasquatch believing it is a person. (Delta Discovery, 27FEB2013).
2011 / 05 / S – Emmonak, AKUtility Lineman working on pole has sighting of white colored Sasquatch. (Delta Discovery, 27FEB2013).
2011 / 06 / S – Paimuit Trail near Hooper Bay, AKScammon Bay man traveling via snow machine to Hooper Bay encounters Hairy man on the trail. Believes it is a person who may be broken down (snow machine broken down). As man gets closer, “…the person was getting weird looking and unusual. Its arms were really long and is seemed to be hairy all over. Its hair was like musk-ox, but brown.” Man veers to the right when 60-70 feet from subject, man is not acknowledged as approaching until within 20 feet from the subject. Subject turns towards man and all he “…remembers of its face were its red eyes.”. Frightened, the man flees on his snow machine. (http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/05/22/hairy-man/man-meets-hairy-man-on-trail/1200.html).
2011 / 07 / S – Tarpernaq River, AKTwo Bethel men checking a whitefish net see creature too tall to be human. “…Person was grayish in color and walked slowly. … It looked like it had not much of a neck.” The men watch for approximately five minutes before subject disappears in woods. Men retrieve net and return to Bethel, discuss what they had seen and agreed it was not human.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/07/10/hairy-man/whitefish-set-netters-spot-bigfoot/1332.html).
2012 / 01 / T – Border City, AKM. Thompson of Sasquatch Tracker and sons find track on local access road. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2012).
2012 / 02 / S – Meade River, AKCaribou hunters have sighting near lake.NARRATIVE (edited for content): “... We were standing outside (of a cabin) facing the lake. A half mile (away) we saw a herd of caribou, arriving easterly. I suddenly saw a big bear like first chase a tuttu (caribou). I remarked happily, 'Oh look that little tuttu is being chased'. J. (name deleted for privacy) responded after he veered over with his binocular(s) and looked at what I saw. He said that's not a lil' tuttu, that's a bull caribou... Then he shouts out, 'Holy cow, that's a real big man'. It was on two feet, his long gray arm was sweeping as the zig-zagging tuttu was eluding. This tuttu turned aside and jumped 40 ft into the air and jump(ed) into a lake and furry arm swinging as he walked upright. This was a 9 foot to 10 foot giant walking back to a top hill. There J. saw another man, tall and all fur, summon the first one back. With no luck the man walked westerly. His arms swinging. I ask(ed) J., 'What's he doing? He says his arms swing like that Bigfoot Beast. In one minute, I saw no caribou. (Witness goes on to describe damage at the cabin meat rack taken down by wind or a bear and scattered caribou legs and geese feathers.)“... I was puzzled some meat eater left them as I looked at those legs (tuttus). I started tripping and I look down. What made these holes was a footprint, two circles on each side and in the center was claws, 2 sets pointed downward. I cannot forget them claws. The imprint weight was maybe 1200 lbs., a bear about 600 lbs. make a track imprint 3 inches on a track. This imprint I saw was about deep as a salad bowl about 6 inches into a solid frozen beach. And it's still there. On my finding, I meant not to tell E. (name deleted for privacy) and J. about the rack's destroyer. I just assumed another bear to hunt down. On Tuesday I was wrong and what we saw made this puzzle to answer our question. The few things I saw was a(n) old caribou head, the jaw on a (the) bottom was gone and it had been licked often. Near what was an opening shrub, were feather(s) and like a circle it or something sat there and ate these caribou. Fresh? Yes about 1 or 2 day old track. Fresh broken rack. All this told me it was not a bear. The next day was Wednesday. We took our boat towards that area and saw nothing. (Witness tells about number of caribou in the area and how they returned with no meat.) “... No I want to go back, not to get it, but maybe feed him. I believe these two came to bury their dead. They gracefully walked to the next hill westward toward Barrow, Alaska. The end.”
INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: This report was forwarded to Sasquatch Tracker by Sasquatch Tracker associate Robert Alley. Included were hand drawn maps of the area showing the locations of the sightings, location of cabin and the destroyed meat rack. Also included was a drawing of layout of where the impressions were discovered with the claw marks. The witness also made a silhouette drawing of the subject and gave the overall height as 9-10 feet. Shoulder width was estimated to be 3 feet 7 inches to 3 feet 8 inches wide. Arm length (shoulder to end of hand) was estimated to be 3 feet 8 inches to 3 feet 10 inches. Witness said the measurements are off, but that the arms (hands) were close to the knee. Subject said it was black in color and as it got closer, it turned to a darkish brown with black patches. There was almost no neck but it had an upright head. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2012).
2012 / 03 / S – Kasigluk, AKMother and sons have sighting while riding four wheelers. (Alaska Dispatch, 28JAN2013).
2012 / 04 / S – Tuluksak, AKPilot and passenger see two Sasquatch running on ice. Believed to be parent / offspring. (Delta Discovery, 06MAR2013).
2012 / 05 / S – Kasigluk, AKSpringtime sighting by man. No other details. (Delta Discovery, 30JAN2013).
2012 / 06 / B - Talkeetna, AKMoose hunters have feeling of being watched / stalked. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2012 / 07 / T - Fairbanks, AKMan metal detecting along Chena River finds tracks.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoIwMWwhB1A).
2013 / 01 / S – Tok River Bridge, AKMother and sons see Sasquatch crossing AK Highway. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 02 / S – Chefornak, AKFather and son have sighting while stranded checking fish traps. (Delta Discovery, 20MAR2013).
2013 / 03 / S - Border City, AKHunters discover set of tracks near bear baiting station. "We were on our way to our bear baiting station when my oldest son found a track. I am a fairly accomplished bear hunter and have developed a knack for judging bear size by looking at tracks. At first I was confused because this was unlike any bear track I had ever seen before. After studying it for a while, I came to the conclusion that it was not a bear track, but was probably a Bigfoot track. My sons both agreed. We made a mental note of where the track was so we could study it further on our way back to our truck. We then went on up the trail to our bait station to check if it had been hit on. The bait station was just as we had left it a few days prior, so we just added the additional bait we were carrying and turned around to make our way back to the truck. When we came to the spot where we had found the track, we decided to look around for other tracks. About 25 feet down the hill and across the trail, we found another track. (Investigator's note: the section of trail in the vicinity of the track is sloped at approximately 35 degrees.) This track was larger than the first one we found. We started getting excited and continued to search the area. We found another track about a yard away. This track was the same size. Both tracks were going the same way so we figured that they were impromptu tracking stick from a tree branch and marked the distance from toe to toe of the tracks and used the stick to try to locate other tracks. I didn't have any luck so my sons and I decided to try to walk the same direction that the tracks were pointing to see if we could pick up the trail further on. We walked back into the trees for about 15 yards or so and found nothing. We hadn't gone too far into the trees, but the way the trees were growing there prevented us from going any further if that makes any sense? Anyway, on the way back, my oldest son found another track. This track was in some dirt from an ant hill. He called me over and I took a look. It was the same size as the two other larger tracks we had found minutes before. It was hard to figure out which way the track was heading and we did look for some other tracks near the ant hill but didn't find any.”
INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: The small, single track discovered on the trail was 4 inches wide by 10 inches long. The depth of the impression at the time of the investigation was 1/4 of an inch uniformly. The track showed four and possibly five toes of the left foot. The track had depreciated enough that what would have been assumed as little toes could not be positively determined. The track was positioned on the southeast side of the trail and had the appearance that the subject was traveling in a northeastern direction. No other tracks were found that were associated with the smaller track. The first of the larger tracks was found among a patch of low bush cranberry. The second track was found 36 inches away as was reported by the witness. Both tracks were 6 inches wide and 15 and 1/4 inches in length. Depth of impression at the time of the investigation was 3/4 of an inch on average. The lack of depth was attributed to the low bush cranberry. The track discovered on the ant hill was of the same dimensions as the first two. However, the track on the ant hill had depreciated to the point where the toes could not be determined and thus the direction of travel is unknown. In conclusion, the smaller track was obviously made by a different subject than the one(s) who made larger set of tracks. Based upon this, and the track on the ant hill, it is evident that two separate subjects with the possibility of a third had traveled through the area. The surrounding area is filled with black spruce, willow, alder and birch. Ground covering consists of low bush cranberry and well-established sphagnum moss. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 04 / O - Border City, AKTeenagers walking home hear growling noises in brush near roadside and have feeling of being "stalked". Follow up investigation was inconclusive. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 05 / S - Border City, AKTeenage boy reports seeing dark bi-pedal creature in trees near roadside. (Reported in conjunction with 2013 / 04 / O.) Follow up investigation was inconclusive. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 06 / S - Tetlin Junction, AKMan sees dark bipedal creature cross AK Highway near Tetlin Jct. Follow up investigation was inconclusive. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 07 / S / B – Napakiak, AKWoman in Napakiak Village Building inadvertently looks out window and “..saw something unusual walking on top of the bluff on the other side of the Napakiak Slough.” Described as “… dark-colored and walking on two feet. It was real unusual, too tall to be a person, … It was taller than the brush on top of the bluff.” Admits to seeing “.. people before on the bluff and they were never that tall.” Subject disappears and reappears 10 minutes later. Witness alerts co-workers and 8 of them see it also. Witness says “.. children (were) playing and sledding down the bluff. Some of the kids then saw the creature and started running for home, crying in terror.” Children later describe it as “… dark brown.” A snowmobiler appears on a nearby trail and does not see the subject. Subject hides from snowmobiler by crouching down on the ground, and departs. Tracks were photographed later and were distorted by the sun (melted out?) but were shown to be “… too large for humans.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/07/31/hairy-man/hairy-man-sighted-in-napakiak/1398.html).
2013 / 08 / S - Napakiak, AKReported in conjunction with 2013/07/S. Woman reported that a lone fisherman encounters a group of hairy men. No other details.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/07/31/hairy-man/hairy-man-sighted-in-napakiak/1398.html).
2013 / 09 / S – Near Bethel, AKPassenger sees two individuals from aircraft. Believed to be a mother and child because smaller one acts as though it is trying to “hide under its mother’s legs, like a child would.” Large subject described as “…very tall, taller than a human and very dark and hairy.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/08/28/hairy-man/passenger-on-flight-sees-hairy-man-with-a-baby/1486.html).
2013 / 10 / S - Napakiak, AKReported in conjunction with 2013/07/SB from children’s’ perspective. Recap: subject was spotted on a bluff near Napakiak Slough. Described as “..very large, approximately 9 feet in height and black colored…” Also, “…It was taller than a human and very black, just standing in the open,” Other witnesses described it as, “...Its hair was dark brown.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/09/25/hairy-man/children-see-hairy-man-in-napakiak/1570.html).
2013 / 11 / S / T – Gweek River, AKOne member of berry picking family sees “..a large, dark figure on the bank along the river.” Described as “…It was a very tall man, black and dark.” Sister of witness finds tracks on hillside in the area. Tracks were “...approximately 12” long – much larger than a human footprint.” Other track “…was smaller and more narrow.” (http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 12 / B / V – Kotlik, AKElder couple is awakened by something bothering their cabin. It was making noise in the little porch of their cabin. “We thought it was a bear, so we didn’t bother checking it.” It was safer not to, in the middle of the night. Noise / disturbances continue for at night. Vocalizations heard while tending fish in smokehouse.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 13 / B / S – Penguq River, AKBethel family sees, “…a very tall, black colored creature walking upright” while berry picking. Father sees creature approximately one mile from berry picking site and points it out to mother. Together, they observe “…the creature crouched down when an airplane flew overhead. The being then walked down a rise in the tundra.” Described as “…It was so black and tall.” And “…It did not look like a human person because a person from that far away would not look very big. The creature was significantly large, even at that distance.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 14 / S – Near Bethel, AKBerry picking couple on ATV have sighting on trail west of Bethel. The couple gets the ATV stuck in a deep spot on the trail and gets assistance from another couple who had been hunting on foot. When ATV becomes free, the female berry picker looks up and sees something behind nearby bush. Described it as “...It has red eyes!” Husband looks and sees squatting figure behind bush and describes”…Then it got up as if it was going to make a break for it but then it squatted back down behind the bush again,” Both couples depart without further incident.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 15 / S / B – Nunavakanukakslak Lake, AK6 boaters observe creature near lake. Boat with five aboard “…saw something dark on a hillside not far from the river, squatting down with its knees on its chest and possibly eating berries.” And mistakenly assume it is a person berry picking until “…the animal stood up on two feet and began walking away.” Described as “…tall and dark-colored, but very human-like as it walked. Although just walking, it moved very fast in a few steps up the hill…” Other boat with one aboard now sees the creature as well. Creature “…turned back up the hill, but then it stopped and squatted down behind a mound of tundra. There, the Hairy Man peeked over the mound with its head bobbing up and down to look at them until they were gone from view.” A “relative of one of the people in the boat said he had also seen a similarly tall and dark-colored creature while out berry picking, but couldn’t determine what it was.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 16 / B / V - 25 Mile River, Haines, AKA couple camping with their dogs at the 25 Mile River awaken and hear "something small running circles" around their tent. The female witness awakes again later and hears what was described as a "dog screaming like it was stuck in a trap". Eventually the noise stops. The following day is uneventful, but as night fell, a noise like a "dog crying out in pain" is heard coming from across the river. After a while "the creature decided the dog cries were not enough" and "it started asking rather than saying 'HEH ROOOOO?' in long drawn out woman like wails." The female witness described the noise as moving stating that "...it would run from the river's edge at least a couple of miles into the forest with one wail, one breath." The noise stopped when the female witness responded with, "Is it STILL going?" Eventually the noise resumed and the female witness responded again and the noise stopped. This went on "... a few times." The female witness stated that they (the male witness as well as herself) heard the noise all night. She stated, "it would run to the water's edge [and] taunt us, and run back wailing." She suspected more than one creature. Sasquatch Tracker's note: Their encounter continues in 2013/17/BV below. Although this was reported as one continuous encounter, it is Sasquatch Tracker's opinion that the second part of the encounter is interesting enough that it merits its own entry in the database. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2013 / 17 / B / V - Mile 27, Haines, AK(Reported with 2013 / 16 / B / V)The same couple in 2013/16/BV returned to their home and the female witness was on the balcony smoking when she once again heard the wailing 'HEH ROOOOO'. However, this time there were two creatures wailing, one was down the driveway, the second was on the mountain behind the house. The female witness called out the male witness and he went to retrieve a firearm. As the male witness entered the house, a glass bottle (presumed to have been thrown) struck the metal (near or on the door). The male witness shot the firearm several times (attempting to scare the creatures away since the female stated that they often did this for bears). The following morning, the couple discovered a lamppost which was cemented two feet deep at the bottom of their stair case had been ripped from the ground and thrown ten feet to the side. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2013 / 18 / S - Kashwitna Lake, Willow, AKA firefighter / emergency medical technician working in the Mat-Su Valley reports a friend of his was at Kashwitna Lake with other friends "...a few years ago" and "...heard something big moving and saw a large hairy creature moving off to where the brush was too thick." He stated it happened when "it was getting dark" and this incident was three years ago. Sasquatch Tracker note: This was reported in 2016 but based upon the statement, the conclusion was that the event occurred sometime during 2013. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2014 / 01 / B / S - Bethel, AKTwo hunters come upon Bigfoot sitting on tundra "..very manlike." Hunters lock eyes and trade gazes. Hunters then depart and keep looking over shoulder to assure they are not being followed,(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man)
2014 / 02 / S - Tuntutuliak, AKTwo teenage girls have sighting after checking on brother and brother's friend swimming. After checking on boys, the girls were walking near an old air strip when sighting happened. One girl mistakes the creature for being her brother's best friend and speaks to it. The creature looked at them then walked into the woods. Described as "...tall, big, dark and hairy. The chest area was grayish."(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2014 / 03 / B / S - Hooper Bay, AKBosco Olson, Sr. encounters a Sasquatch on beach scavenging dead walrus on July 04, 2014. Olson sees bobbing head and believes it is a raven until he gets closer. Olson waits a half hour or more observing the bobbing head when creature stands. Olson describes it as "...very tall and dark, but its legs seemed somewhat brownish. Its body was very broad and muscular. Olson and creature stare at each other for "five long minutes or more." Olson said it may have been challenging him. Creature then turned and departed to north along beach. The creature stops and picks up driftwood log on beach and returns to dead walrus. Olson remembers he has camera and begins to "take video of it". Almost right away, Olson can not continue to video because the card got full". (Referring to disc in camera.) Olson then watches creature use log to attempt to roll the walrus. Olson senses the creature's frustration at not turning walrus and decides to depart. Seeing the demeanor change, Olson is fearful and cautiously left the area. Olson then returns the next day (July 05) with a firearm to check the walrus and the creature is gone. Olson finds a small steak knife stuck in the walrus meat and evidence of meat being cut from the body.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/section/hairy_man).
2014 / 04 / S - Mount Roberts, Juneau, AKA photographer from Blue Bay Photography sent us this photograph or picture of a possible Bigfoot. He says he was hiking near Mount Roberts when he saw something moving about 150 yards away. He doesn’t know what it was exactly but thinks it might be a Bigfoot or Sasquatch.(http://bigfootblogger.com/juneau-alaska-mount-roberts-bigfoot-sighting).
2014 / 05 / S - Bethel, AKTwo geese hunters who are from Bethel are the most recent eyewitnesses of a large, hairy, Bigfoot-like creature on the tundra near the community of Bethel. One of the hunters, speaking on terms of anonymity, said that he and his partner were hunting for geese a few miles from the “golf ball” out on BIA Road on the Atmautluak Trail area when they came across the mysterious creature.
The day was a Saturday, May 3rd, 2014. It was nearing 11pm at night but it was still light out with the longer spring days. They were on their way home on their 4-wheelers when one of them spotted the large man-like being, covered completely in dark hair sitting on the tundra in front of a lake with its legs stretched out in front of it. “What is that?” he asked his hunting partner. They thought it was some sort of animal but looking at it, they realized it was sitting down like a person, very manlike. “It looked like it was sitting down to eat,” said the eyewitness. It was not a bear – it was too tall even while sitting, and it was not anything resembling a moose – it looked like a humongous person sitting on the tundra. One of the men was curious and wanted to get closer for a better look. But no, the other hunter did not want to go any closer than they already were, which was about 100 yards or so, so they stayed where they were. When the men first noticed the hair-covered and enormous being, they stopped to watch. At first the being did not know it was being stared at by the two hunters who were very curiously and intently looking. The creature had looked comfortable sitting on the tundra, turning its head and shoulders nonchalantly when it suddenly locked eyes with the hunters. When it locked eyes with them, the creature immediately stopped fidgeting and focused all of its attention on the two men and froze. That gave those two hunters the major creeps. So after trading gazes with the being for about a minute which was about as long as they could stand, the men got back on their ATVs and continued on their way home afraid and shaken but thrilled that they had seen something that could have been Bigfoot! And while they were driving back, they kept looking over their shoulder to make sure the creature was not following them! The eyewitness who reported this encounter said that he had always questioned the validity of Bigfoot sightings. Never before had he seen anything like this, and now he says they definitely did see something. (Reported in deltadiscovery.com, may be related to 2014 / 01).
2014 / 06 / S - Wasilla, AK7-7.5 foot tall, approximately 400 lb. jet black Sasquatch sighted on Glacier Road on the outskirts of Wasilla, AK.
It was mid-May of 2014 my friend called me in a frantic tone of voice and said something was peeking through a grove of trees at him and his brother when they were taking trash out. It was somewhat dark, and they could see the red eye shine and yelled at it. Grabbing his pistol and running towards it, he said it walked so fast that he couldn't even keep up with it while running, the creature plowed right through some thick brush. I went over there, and we talked about it and an hour later we saw sirens across the street, the neighbor across the street was on a stretcher.
We didn't see him for a month, the neighbor's brother came to his house where the accident had occurred, so we went over there to ask him what happened. He said the brother saw something on his camera and so he went outside with his shotgun only to find a huge black creature standing upright that let out a guttural growl that scared him so bad that his heart just faltered, he was an older man who smoked a lot and I bet the infrasound added to the effect.
He threw scraps from his hunts down the hill behind the house, so I bet that's what attracted the "squatch". The man has never returned to his house, and it's now abandoned. I heard he flew back to his home village. Not sure if he's still with us or not. (Anonymous, 2024). Edited for content by Sasquatch Tracker, 2024.
2015 / 01 / V - Mile 1227 Alaska HighwayFather and children hear voices in woods that mimics their conversation. When they spoke to each other, the voices could be heard. When their conversation ended, the voices faded and then "something very large" could be heard moving away through the trees and brush. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 02 / O - Grass Lake Trail, Sweetwater Creek, AKMoose hunters encounter horrible smell after calling for moose and have feeling of being stalked. Hunters reported calling for moose and hearing "noises in the trees behind them". They attributed the noises to bull moose or a bear responding to the calls and continued to call for about an hour. After there was no positive response, the hunters decided to quit for the day. While hiking back to their vehicle, they smelled a "horrible rotten egg smell or really bad body odor". As the smell grew stronger along the trail, a cracking stick was heard in the background. "The cracking sounded like something heavy had stepped on a stick and broken it as it was walking." After hearing the stick cracking, the hunters knew they were not alone and they had a feeling of being watched or stalked as they continued along the trail. At a fork in the trail a few hundred yards from where the odor was encountered, the smell disappeared. The hunters returned to their vehicle and left the area. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 03 / S - Tok, AKCommercial truck driver reports that a tall, dark colored figure that looked like "a very large man" was spotted as the driver came around a curve in the Alaska Highway around 0230 hours during the morning of October 14th. The figure ran along the northbound shoulder of the road for an estimated 75 yards before turning left and crossing both lanes of the highway and disappearing into the nearby trees. The driver stated that he thought he was observing "the tail end of a moose" as it was running from his truck, but when it turned to cross the road, he "was convinced it was a Bigfoot because it was upright like a man". (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 04 / O / L - Taylor Highway, AKSecond hand information was received about a "tribe" of Sasquatch that lives "in the mountains between Tok and Chicken, AK". No other details were provided except that the person reporting the information was told by the originator "that they should be left alone because they are dangerous". Sasquatch Tracker was not able to obtain the originator's contact information so verification of the claim was not conducted. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 05 / O - Cordova, AKSasquatch Tracker Associate D. Shepherd hears "loud crash" on roof of remote cabin. Shepherd was conducting an independent expedition near a remote cabin in the Cordova area and had been scanning the area with a red light as well as tree knocking. Shepherd had negative results from his efforts and entered the cabin to relax. Approximately 10 minutes later, the "crash" occurred. Shepherd conducted an intensive search around the cabin the following morning and found nothing out of the ordinary other than a 14 inch long stick. Shepherd shared with Sasquatch Tracker that there was nobody camped within 3 miles of the cabin and the trees near the cabin were such that a branch could not have fallen and struck the roof, thus ruling out human activity. Weather at the time of the incident was reported as "a light rain with no wind." (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 06 / S - Skilak Loop Road, Sterling, AKOn 24JUN2015, a firefighter engaged in a firefighting operation briefly encountered "...a tall bipedal animal walking into the woods". The firefighter stated there were no other crews in the area at the time of the sighting, ruling out possible mistaken identification. The firefighter further stated that "... due to the animal's upright posture, gait and extremity proportions, I do not believe it to be a bear." (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2016 / 01 / S - Tok, AKIn June of 2016, a woman driving along the Alaska Highway approximately 6 miles northwest of Tok, AK glanced down a side road as she drove past and saw a tall, dark, “man-shaped” figure. The witness stated she was certain that what she saw was not a moose or a bear and turned her vehicle around to take another look. By the time she arrived at the side road, the subject she had seen had disappeared. Not wanting to disturb any possible evidence, the woman decided against driving down the road to the specific area where the subject was originally spotted.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The witness contacted Sasquatch Tracker directly and described the subject as “auburn colored”. Details were ascertained about the exact location and Sasquatch Tracker visited the site to conduct a thorough search for evidence. Nothing was located because the road showed signs of heavy use (ATV and motorcycle tracks). Any possible evidence was more than likely destroyed by the traffic on the road. The area around Tok (N 63°19’27’ X W 143°1’5’) is a boreal environment and would positively support one on more Boreal Sasquatch or Marked Hominids. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 02 / S - Copper Center, AKA witness living close to Copper Center, AK contacted Sasquatch Tracker via email and reported that “…At 11 pm on the 24th of July, 2016, I was on my way home when I began to drive down our road when my high beams (headlights) highlighted something about 30 feet from the front of my car. It stood at about 6 and a half feet tall, all black. As I approached it, [while still in the vehicle] it took off into the woods – bipedal, arms swinging and lunging forward at an incredible speed and surprising amount of grace. It went back into the woods and disappeared.”INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: Follow up questions revealed no further sightings, but the witness stated her animals were “…terrified of something.” The witness explained that “…My horses have experienced bear, coyotes, wolves, you name it – they’ve handled it. But this was entirely different.” The area surrounding Copper Center (N 61°57’55’ X W 145°19’6’) is a boreal environment that offers abundant food sources including big game and non-game animals, birds, fish and various forms of vegetation. This area would positively support one or more Boreal Sasquatch or Marked Hominids. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 03 / O / B - Togiak River, AKA man contacted Sasquatch Tracker via email and reported he knew of a woman from Togiak who claims "...Bigfoot has been scaring the hell out of moose hunters up the Togiak River." No other details. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 04 / O / B - Tetlin, AKA local man contacted Sasquatch Tracker directly and reported that while moose hunting in the Tetlin, AK area on September of 2016, he was tired and set up a tent to sleep in. While sleeping, the man became aware that something had brushed up against him from outside of the tent. He knew it was not a fox or a coyote by the way he had been "brushed". He considered the possibility of a cow moose rubbing the side of his tent, but the thing that had rubbed him was not large enough to have rubbed against him in the manner he described. The witness said that although he was sleeping, he was aware of what had happened.(Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 05 / T - Telin, AKReported in conjunction with 2016/04, a local man reported a relative and a friend had found a track near the area where the man had set up his tent to sleep. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 06 / T - Moose Pass, AKHiker discovers tracks on the shore of Upper Trail Lake in Moose Pass area. Reported via email, the witness described finding tracks around the 26th of September 2016 in the late afternoon. Witness stated he discovered a single left foot print 16.5 inches in length by roughly 8 to 8.5 inches in width at the ball of the foot. The track tapered down to 4.5 - 5 inches across the heel section and clear toe impressions were observed. Witness believed the track appeared "about a day old and was right next to the edge of the waterline of the lake shore." Witness also stated seeing the rough outlines of other tracks in the water for a distance of about 10 yards and estimated tracks were 5 - 6 feet apart. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2017 / 01 / T - Mile 1243.6 AK HighwayOn 23 JUL 2017, a set of tracks were discovered near Mile 1243.6 on the north side of the AK Highway. 23 tracks were discovered along with an area that appears as a “slide” or a “shuffle” of approximately five feet where individual tracks were not recognizable. The tracks appear to be bipedal in nature and are descending a sandy southern facing slope that ranged between 30° at the bottom to approximately 55° at the top. For more details and photos: http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/mile-1243-6-ak-highway-track-summary/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2017).
2017 / 02 / B – Scottie Creek, AK(Mile 1223 AK Highway) Four moose hunters discover cache of low bush cranberries in tree stump. The hunters were under the impression that they may have interrupted a Boreal Sasquatch that had been gathering berries as they approached the area since the berries and a couple of leaves were not wilted (freshly picked). They believed that the berries were placed there to be retrieved when the hunters departed the area. All members of then hunting party described having the feeling of being watched as they passed through the area. Further details and photographs: http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2017/09/22/cranberry-cache-discovered/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2017).
2017 / 03 / B – Northway, AKMen have afternoon tree knocking encounter. During the afternoon of 28 SEPT 2017, two men were grouse hunting and evaluating a local trail system around 4 PM for possible trapping this winter. The men hiked approximately 10 minutes before coming to a hub in the trail and decided to scout the center trail. After 5 minutes of hiking the center trail, the men stopped to discuss various ermine, fox and wolf signs. As the men began to speak to each other, both of them heard a “thumping noise like a stick striking a tree”. The older of the two men picked up a stick and “knocked” back. The man’s response was immediately answered with rhythmic knocking sounds. The knocks were in groups of three and four and were evenly spaced as if deliberate. The older man continued to knock with continued response for an estimate three minutes. Both men had the feeling of “being stalked or watched” and becoming increasingly uneasy, departed the area.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The immediate area is very thick boreal forest with sphagnum moss ground covering. Visibility was approximately 10 yards and the men estimated the source of the knocking was within 50 to 60 yards of them. Both men are accomplished hunters and quickly ruled out bear jaw popping and grouse wing beating sounds. This incident occurred within 0.75 mile of a tree knocking encounter that took place in 2008 (2008 / 02 / B). http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/afternoon-tree-knocking/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2017).
2017 / 04 / T – Bottenintnin Lake Area, AKOn 30 SEPT 2017, Larry Baxter of Homer, AK "observed an impression or footprint on the ground..." while hiking near Bottenintnin Lake. The discovery could not be identified "as being left by any known animal. The impression had characteristics of a human footprint with what appeared to be an impression of a big toe. The impression was photographed." INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: Baxter submitted a notarized general affidavit singed on the 29th of December, 2017 in Homer, AK attesting to the track he discovered. Baxter's affidavit is on file with Sasquatch Tracker in Border, AK. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2017 / 05 / B – Bottenintnin Lake Area, AKOn 14 OCT 2017, Larry Baxter of Homer, AK and his spouse were hiking in the Bottenintnin Lake area and “heard three loud thumps as if something large was hitting the ground.” Baxter described the "sound as coming from behind" them as they walked out of the area back to their vehicle. Baxter "walked back toward the sound and did not see or hear any[thing] that could have been responsible for the noise." Baxter then "tried to replicate the sound by jumping and stomping on the ground and could not reproduce the sound." Baxter further "observed tree limbs that were twisted and pulled down from trees. Baxter stated the limbs were twisted and pulled down at about six feet off the ground, just above" his head.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: Baxter submitted a notarized general affidavit singed on the 29th of December, 2017 in Homer, AK attesting to the sounds he and his spouse had heard. Baxter's affidavit is on file with Sasquatch Tracker in Border, AK. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2017 / 06 / T - Limestone Inlet, AKSelf-described “wandering boat bum” who spends considerable time in remote areas of Southeast Alaska found an interesting track in Limestone Inlet during the summer of 2017. No other details. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2017).
2018/ 01 / S – Summit Lake, AKTruck Driver has had two separate sightings along the Seward Highway in the Summit Lake area (N 60.626684 X W 149.514170) a few miles before the junction with the Sterling Highway (N 60.534004 X W 149.555125) going to Cooper Landing. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 02 / V – Tok, AKA local woman reported directly to Sasquatch Tracker that she had gotten up early on the morning of July 3, 2018 and heard “howling” sounds in the forest surrounding her residence. The witness declined to provide further information. INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The area around Tok (N 63°176’19’27” X W 143° 176’ 15”) is a definite boreal environment and would positively support one on more Boreal Sasquatch or Marked Hominids. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 03 / O - Border, AKOn Friday, October 19, 2018 around 1900 hours local time, a man working in a detached garage noticed his pet dogs acting nervous and restless as they lifted their noses to wind. The man believes there was something on the edge of the trees 50 yards from the garage that the dogs had caught the scent of. The man decided to return to the house and brought the dogs in with him. Later, around 2230 hours local, the man had gone back to the detached garage to retrieve a personal item. While in the garage, he stated he heard something that sounded like “digging” on the north side of the garage structure. The man yelled loudly to the source of the noise to “Get out of here!” and then threw at hammer at the side of the garage to make additional noise. He went outside with bear spray and cautiously searched the area. Nothing was discovered and no tracks were observed.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: There were prior problems with a mature grizzly bear near the house and garage and the man either carried bear spray or a firearm at all times while outside. The source of anxiety in the dogs and the noise on the side of the garage very well could have been the grizzly returning to the area around the house and garage. Incidentally, both events took place within 2.0 miles of #2017 / 02 / B which involved hunters finding a cranberry cache. Unresolved. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 04 / S – Galena, AKAt approximately 12:25 PM on October 22, 2018, a student at Galena Interior Learning Academy (in Galena, AK, N64°44’26” x W156°53’80”) was on a bus traveling to the Sidney C. Huntington High School. The student looked out the window and saw what he thought was a man on a sand bar on the south side of the Yukon River. Intrigued, he continued observation of the figure and suddenly realized that it was not human. The witness described it as being all black and having a cone shaped head. He further described it as “…the creature seemed to be squatting.” Follow up investigation with the student revealed that he considered the possibility that he was looking at a log (driftwood) or some other debris because upon his initial observation, the object was stationary. However, he was able to quickly rule that possibility out when he looked back towards the “object” and saw that it was no longer there.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The witness showed that he believed he was within 1700 feet at the time of the sighting. (Distance was calculated via Google Earth.) He estimated his sighting lasted an estimated 3-5 seconds. The sighting occurred on a sandbar on the northern bank of an island on the southern side of the river. Most of the time the sandbar is under water. When this sighting occurred, the water level in the Yukon River was low enough to expose the sandbar. Further information appears at: http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2018/11/02/gila-student-has-daytime-sighting-along-yukon-river-in-galena-ak/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 06 / O – Kashwitna Creek, AKA woman reported finding an unexplained “face print” on a porch window of a cabin north of Willow, AK. The witness described the size of the face print as “…a foot by a foot…” The witness stated, “It’s possibly a bear, but a bears nose is long, how does a bear get his nose and eye prints on the window?” Outline of face and edge of hair is visible in witness photographs that were sent to Sasquatch Tracker. Photographs pending release. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 07 / V - Clam Gulch, AKOn December 30, 2018, at approximately 17:30-17:45 hours local: A man playing with his family dogs outside makes “grunting-growling” sounds to interact with his Great Dane and has his sounds mimicked. The man’s wife explained that he suddenly ran into the house “screaming” for a flashlight. With flashlight in hand, he returned outside to investigate. The woman then hears all the dogs in the area “going nuts” and asks him for an explanation. The man tells her that while playing and making the sounds, something mimicked him exactly but “it was deeper toned and about 50-100 yards from the house!” The woman stated, “Our Great Dane is around 155 lbs. and not afraid of anything…” but in this case, “she had her hackles up [while] sniffing the air and whining like crazy.” The woman mentioned being familiar with moose and bears that had been on the property before, but did not think it was either, especially with …”bears in hibernation right now.” The woman stated she was “fairly new to Alaska” and had a previous sighting in Washington State during 2008.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The Boreal Sasquatch ability to mimic animal and human sounds has been reported before to Sasquatch Tracker. Clam Gulch, AK is located at N60°13’40” X W151°23’38” on the eastern shore of Cook Inlet. In follow up email conversation, the witness checked the surrounding area later for tracks but didn’t find anything. The witness admitted that she was not 100% sure that the correct area was checked (as in it was difficult to determine the exact direction of the vocalization during the evening compared to the area during daylight) but promised to contact Sasquatch Tracker Associate Larry "Beans" Baxter if anything further developed. http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2019/01/26/vocalizations-in-clam-gulch-alaska/ (Kenia Bigfoot Research Group, 2018).
2019 / 01 / O - Desper Creek, AKOn February 19, 2019 at 0245 hours, the reporting witness awoke to the family’s three dogs whining to go outside. The witness explained that it was a normal thing for the dogs to want to go out during the night for a “potty break”. Each dog would usually go outside one at a time on a retractable leash while the witness would stand just inside the back door of the house. The male dog went out first and he immediately alerted to something near Desper Creek (which runs through the property) approximately 225 yards from the door. The witness stated that the dog’s hackles were up and he was on guard as they both heard four distinct and evenly spaced knocks coming from the creek area. As the dog retreated to the house, the witness put the retractable leash on the next dog. The second dog seemed “oblivious” to what had happened seconds before. As the third dog went out, it turned its nose towards the creek and behaved nervously. While the other dogs were out, the male dog went to the living room and was nervously pacing and “woofing” as he glanced out the window in the direction of the creek. (The living room is on the creek side of the house.) His nervous behavior spooked the other dogs and they quickly joined in scanning the area through the window and emitting nervous “woofing” barks. This continued for some time and eventually all of the dogs calmed down. The witness was unsure of the exact location along the creek where the knocks had come from.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: A search of the area was conducted. No tracks or other physical evidence was located, however due to deep snow, the search was limited to areas that could be seen from an access road. Incidentally, the Sasquatch Tracker database contains other reports of activity within 4 miles of this incident. http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2019/02/26/recent-tree-knocking-incident/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2019).
2010 / 02 / S – Meade River, AK.Sasquatch follows boat traveling down river. (Alaska Dispatch, 25SEPT2012)
2011 / 01 / S – Meade River, AK.Mother and sons see three Sasquatch together. NARRATIVE (edited for content): “We were out boating, me, my sons. It was four days before my husband’s birthday, I will never forget the date. We were heading towards the mouth of the river, to go see the boys who were rescued the night before.” (Witness’ sons had be involved in in a rescue effort to recover a family of eight that was stranded along the river after their boat ran aground.) “After the all-night rescue, my boys and I were heading back to the cabin where they were dropped off. On our way, we saw three big black creatures standing by Ruth Hill. These were big black giant figures standing by the big hill, moving around, walking around for about an hour, watching us move with our boat. The three were standing, walking about the same area, by the hill, looks like they were using this hill for shelter. They were hanging around the same area. These three watched us for about an hour, before we reached the cabin.” “Six hours later, after we spent the afternoon with the boys at cabin, on our way back to our cabin on the Meade River, the three creatures were gone. I think they went inside the big hill. I exactly know where this hill is at.”“As we were passing the hill and the three big creatures, I kept asking my (names deleted) and (name deleted), “Do you see what I'm seeing?” I waved at them, as I stood on the boat seat. They just stared at us, doing nothing but walking in circles like. We got home four days later, to celebrate my husband’s birthday. I didn’t think of this being anything, till 2012. That’s when it finally dawned on me, we saw three big black creatures. I took pictures, the pictures turned out blurry. They were about a mile away from the edge of the river.”
INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The witness contacted Sasquatch Tracker via email. The Meade River area of Alaska is a wetlands area with tens of thousands of small lakes and ponds. Coincidently, this is the second report from the Meade River area. Both sightings happened during September. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2012).
2011 / 02 / S – Ketchikan, AKSighting on logging road. (Alaska Dispatch, 18MAY2011). (Determined to be a hoax, video on internet:” Ketchikan Sasquatch”)
2011 / 03 / S – Chevak, AKCouple spot Sasquatch near airport. (Delta Discovery, 20FEB2013).
2011 / 04 / S – Emmonak, AKUtility Lineman walks to within 10-15 feet of Sasquatch believing it is a person. (Delta Discovery, 27FEB2013).
2011 / 05 / S – Emmonak, AKUtility Lineman working on pole has sighting of white colored Sasquatch. (Delta Discovery, 27FEB2013).
2011 / 06 / S – Paimuit Trail near Hooper Bay, AKScammon Bay man traveling via snow machine to Hooper Bay encounters Hairy man on the trail. Believes it is a person who may be broken down (snow machine broken down). As man gets closer, “…the person was getting weird looking and unusual. Its arms were really long and is seemed to be hairy all over. Its hair was like musk-ox, but brown.” Man veers to the right when 60-70 feet from subject, man is not acknowledged as approaching until within 20 feet from the subject. Subject turns towards man and all he “…remembers of its face were its red eyes.”. Frightened, the man flees on his snow machine. (http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/05/22/hairy-man/man-meets-hairy-man-on-trail/1200.html).
2011 / 07 / S – Tarpernaq River, AKTwo Bethel men checking a whitefish net see creature too tall to be human. “…Person was grayish in color and walked slowly. … It looked like it had not much of a neck.” The men watch for approximately five minutes before subject disappears in woods. Men retrieve net and return to Bethel, discuss what they had seen and agreed it was not human.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/07/10/hairy-man/whitefish-set-netters-spot-bigfoot/1332.html).
2012 / 01 / T – Border City, AKM. Thompson of Sasquatch Tracker and sons find track on local access road. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2012).
2012 / 02 / S – Meade River, AKCaribou hunters have sighting near lake.NARRATIVE (edited for content): “... We were standing outside (of a cabin) facing the lake. A half mile (away) we saw a herd of caribou, arriving easterly. I suddenly saw a big bear like first chase a tuttu (caribou). I remarked happily, 'Oh look that little tuttu is being chased'. J. (name deleted for privacy) responded after he veered over with his binocular(s) and looked at what I saw. He said that's not a lil' tuttu, that's a bull caribou... Then he shouts out, 'Holy cow, that's a real big man'. It was on two feet, his long gray arm was sweeping as the zig-zagging tuttu was eluding. This tuttu turned aside and jumped 40 ft into the air and jump(ed) into a lake and furry arm swinging as he walked upright. This was a 9 foot to 10 foot giant walking back to a top hill. There J. saw another man, tall and all fur, summon the first one back. With no luck the man walked westerly. His arms swinging. I ask(ed) J., 'What's he doing? He says his arms swing like that Bigfoot Beast. In one minute, I saw no caribou. (Witness goes on to describe damage at the cabin meat rack taken down by wind or a bear and scattered caribou legs and geese feathers.)“... I was puzzled some meat eater left them as I looked at those legs (tuttus). I started tripping and I look down. What made these holes was a footprint, two circles on each side and in the center was claws, 2 sets pointed downward. I cannot forget them claws. The imprint weight was maybe 1200 lbs., a bear about 600 lbs. make a track imprint 3 inches on a track. This imprint I saw was about deep as a salad bowl about 6 inches into a solid frozen beach. And it's still there. On my finding, I meant not to tell E. (name deleted for privacy) and J. about the rack's destroyer. I just assumed another bear to hunt down. On Tuesday I was wrong and what we saw made this puzzle to answer our question. The few things I saw was a(n) old caribou head, the jaw on a (the) bottom was gone and it had been licked often. Near what was an opening shrub, were feather(s) and like a circle it or something sat there and ate these caribou. Fresh? Yes about 1 or 2 day old track. Fresh broken rack. All this told me it was not a bear. The next day was Wednesday. We took our boat towards that area and saw nothing. (Witness tells about number of caribou in the area and how they returned with no meat.) “... No I want to go back, not to get it, but maybe feed him. I believe these two came to bury their dead. They gracefully walked to the next hill westward toward Barrow, Alaska. The end.”
INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: This report was forwarded to Sasquatch Tracker by Sasquatch Tracker associate Robert Alley. Included were hand drawn maps of the area showing the locations of the sightings, location of cabin and the destroyed meat rack. Also included was a drawing of layout of where the impressions were discovered with the claw marks. The witness also made a silhouette drawing of the subject and gave the overall height as 9-10 feet. Shoulder width was estimated to be 3 feet 7 inches to 3 feet 8 inches wide. Arm length (shoulder to end of hand) was estimated to be 3 feet 8 inches to 3 feet 10 inches. Witness said the measurements are off, but that the arms (hands) were close to the knee. Subject said it was black in color and as it got closer, it turned to a darkish brown with black patches. There was almost no neck but it had an upright head. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2012).
2012 / 03 / S – Kasigluk, AKMother and sons have sighting while riding four wheelers. (Alaska Dispatch, 28JAN2013).
2012 / 04 / S – Tuluksak, AKPilot and passenger see two Sasquatch running on ice. Believed to be parent / offspring. (Delta Discovery, 06MAR2013).
2012 / 05 / S – Kasigluk, AKSpringtime sighting by man. No other details. (Delta Discovery, 30JAN2013).
2012 / 06 / B - Talkeetna, AKMoose hunters have feeling of being watched / stalked. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2012 / 07 / T - Fairbanks, AKMan metal detecting along Chena River finds tracks.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoIwMWwhB1A).
2013 / 01 / S – Tok River Bridge, AKMother and sons see Sasquatch crossing AK Highway. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 02 / S – Chefornak, AKFather and son have sighting while stranded checking fish traps. (Delta Discovery, 20MAR2013).
2013 / 03 / S - Border City, AKHunters discover set of tracks near bear baiting station. "We were on our way to our bear baiting station when my oldest son found a track. I am a fairly accomplished bear hunter and have developed a knack for judging bear size by looking at tracks. At first I was confused because this was unlike any bear track I had ever seen before. After studying it for a while, I came to the conclusion that it was not a bear track, but was probably a Bigfoot track. My sons both agreed. We made a mental note of where the track was so we could study it further on our way back to our truck. We then went on up the trail to our bait station to check if it had been hit on. The bait station was just as we had left it a few days prior, so we just added the additional bait we were carrying and turned around to make our way back to the truck. When we came to the spot where we had found the track, we decided to look around for other tracks. About 25 feet down the hill and across the trail, we found another track. (Investigator's note: the section of trail in the vicinity of the track is sloped at approximately 35 degrees.) This track was larger than the first one we found. We started getting excited and continued to search the area. We found another track about a yard away. This track was the same size. Both tracks were going the same way so we figured that they were impromptu tracking stick from a tree branch and marked the distance from toe to toe of the tracks and used the stick to try to locate other tracks. I didn't have any luck so my sons and I decided to try to walk the same direction that the tracks were pointing to see if we could pick up the trail further on. We walked back into the trees for about 15 yards or so and found nothing. We hadn't gone too far into the trees, but the way the trees were growing there prevented us from going any further if that makes any sense? Anyway, on the way back, my oldest son found another track. This track was in some dirt from an ant hill. He called me over and I took a look. It was the same size as the two other larger tracks we had found minutes before. It was hard to figure out which way the track was heading and we did look for some other tracks near the ant hill but didn't find any.”
INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: The small, single track discovered on the trail was 4 inches wide by 10 inches long. The depth of the impression at the time of the investigation was 1/4 of an inch uniformly. The track showed four and possibly five toes of the left foot. The track had depreciated enough that what would have been assumed as little toes could not be positively determined. The track was positioned on the southeast side of the trail and had the appearance that the subject was traveling in a northeastern direction. No other tracks were found that were associated with the smaller track. The first of the larger tracks was found among a patch of low bush cranberry. The second track was found 36 inches away as was reported by the witness. Both tracks were 6 inches wide and 15 and 1/4 inches in length. Depth of impression at the time of the investigation was 3/4 of an inch on average. The lack of depth was attributed to the low bush cranberry. The track discovered on the ant hill was of the same dimensions as the first two. However, the track on the ant hill had depreciated to the point where the toes could not be determined and thus the direction of travel is unknown. In conclusion, the smaller track was obviously made by a different subject than the one(s) who made larger set of tracks. Based upon this, and the track on the ant hill, it is evident that two separate subjects with the possibility of a third had traveled through the area. The surrounding area is filled with black spruce, willow, alder and birch. Ground covering consists of low bush cranberry and well-established sphagnum moss. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 04 / O - Border City, AKTeenagers walking home hear growling noises in brush near roadside and have feeling of being "stalked". Follow up investigation was inconclusive. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 05 / S - Border City, AKTeenage boy reports seeing dark bi-pedal creature in trees near roadside. (Reported in conjunction with 2013 / 04 / O.) Follow up investigation was inconclusive. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 06 / S - Tetlin Junction, AKMan sees dark bipedal creature cross AK Highway near Tetlin Jct. Follow up investigation was inconclusive. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2013).
2013 / 07 / S / B – Napakiak, AKWoman in Napakiak Village Building inadvertently looks out window and “..saw something unusual walking on top of the bluff on the other side of the Napakiak Slough.” Described as “… dark-colored and walking on two feet. It was real unusual, too tall to be a person, … It was taller than the brush on top of the bluff.” Admits to seeing “.. people before on the bluff and they were never that tall.” Subject disappears and reappears 10 minutes later. Witness alerts co-workers and 8 of them see it also. Witness says “.. children (were) playing and sledding down the bluff. Some of the kids then saw the creature and started running for home, crying in terror.” Children later describe it as “… dark brown.” A snowmobiler appears on a nearby trail and does not see the subject. Subject hides from snowmobiler by crouching down on the ground, and departs. Tracks were photographed later and were distorted by the sun (melted out?) but were shown to be “… too large for humans.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/07/31/hairy-man/hairy-man-sighted-in-napakiak/1398.html).
2013 / 08 / S - Napakiak, AKReported in conjunction with 2013/07/S. Woman reported that a lone fisherman encounters a group of hairy men. No other details.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/07/31/hairy-man/hairy-man-sighted-in-napakiak/1398.html).
2013 / 09 / S – Near Bethel, AKPassenger sees two individuals from aircraft. Believed to be a mother and child because smaller one acts as though it is trying to “hide under its mother’s legs, like a child would.” Large subject described as “…very tall, taller than a human and very dark and hairy.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/08/28/hairy-man/passenger-on-flight-sees-hairy-man-with-a-baby/1486.html).
2013 / 10 / S - Napakiak, AKReported in conjunction with 2013/07/SB from children’s’ perspective. Recap: subject was spotted on a bluff near Napakiak Slough. Described as “..very large, approximately 9 feet in height and black colored…” Also, “…It was taller than a human and very black, just standing in the open,” Other witnesses described it as, “...Its hair was dark brown.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/story/2013/09/25/hairy-man/children-see-hairy-man-in-napakiak/1570.html).
2013 / 11 / S / T – Gweek River, AKOne member of berry picking family sees “..a large, dark figure on the bank along the river.” Described as “…It was a very tall man, black and dark.” Sister of witness finds tracks on hillside in the area. Tracks were “...approximately 12” long – much larger than a human footprint.” Other track “…was smaller and more narrow.” (http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 12 / B / V – Kotlik, AKElder couple is awakened by something bothering their cabin. It was making noise in the little porch of their cabin. “We thought it was a bear, so we didn’t bother checking it.” It was safer not to, in the middle of the night. Noise / disturbances continue for at night. Vocalizations heard while tending fish in smokehouse.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 13 / B / S – Penguq River, AKBethel family sees, “…a very tall, black colored creature walking upright” while berry picking. Father sees creature approximately one mile from berry picking site and points it out to mother. Together, they observe “…the creature crouched down when an airplane flew overhead. The being then walked down a rise in the tundra.” Described as “…It was so black and tall.” And “…It did not look like a human person because a person from that far away would not look very big. The creature was significantly large, even at that distance.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 14 / S – Near Bethel, AKBerry picking couple on ATV have sighting on trail west of Bethel. The couple gets the ATV stuck in a deep spot on the trail and gets assistance from another couple who had been hunting on foot. When ATV becomes free, the female berry picker looks up and sees something behind nearby bush. Described it as “...It has red eyes!” Husband looks and sees squatting figure behind bush and describes”…Then it got up as if it was going to make a break for it but then it squatted back down behind the bush again,” Both couples depart without further incident.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 15 / S / B – Nunavakanukakslak Lake, AK6 boaters observe creature near lake. Boat with five aboard “…saw something dark on a hillside not far from the river, squatting down with its knees on its chest and possibly eating berries.” And mistakenly assume it is a person berry picking until “…the animal stood up on two feet and began walking away.” Described as “…tall and dark-colored, but very human-like as it walked. Although just walking, it moved very fast in a few steps up the hill…” Other boat with one aboard now sees the creature as well. Creature “…turned back up the hill, but then it stopped and squatted down behind a mound of tundra. There, the Hairy Man peeked over the mound with its head bobbing up and down to look at them until they were gone from view.” A “relative of one of the people in the boat said he had also seen a similarly tall and dark-colored creature while out berry picking, but couldn’t determine what it was.”(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2013 / 16 / B / V - 25 Mile River, Haines, AKA couple camping with their dogs at the 25 Mile River awaken and hear "something small running circles" around their tent. The female witness awakes again later and hears what was described as a "dog screaming like it was stuck in a trap". Eventually the noise stops. The following day is uneventful, but as night fell, a noise like a "dog crying out in pain" is heard coming from across the river. After a while "the creature decided the dog cries were not enough" and "it started asking rather than saying 'HEH ROOOOO?' in long drawn out woman like wails." The female witness described the noise as moving stating that "...it would run from the river's edge at least a couple of miles into the forest with one wail, one breath." The noise stopped when the female witness responded with, "Is it STILL going?" Eventually the noise resumed and the female witness responded again and the noise stopped. This went on "... a few times." The female witness stated that they (the male witness as well as herself) heard the noise all night. She stated, "it would run to the water's edge [and] taunt us, and run back wailing." She suspected more than one creature. Sasquatch Tracker's note: Their encounter continues in 2013/17/BV below. Although this was reported as one continuous encounter, it is Sasquatch Tracker's opinion that the second part of the encounter is interesting enough that it merits its own entry in the database. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2013 / 17 / B / V - Mile 27, Haines, AK(Reported with 2013 / 16 / B / V)The same couple in 2013/16/BV returned to their home and the female witness was on the balcony smoking when she once again heard the wailing 'HEH ROOOOO'. However, this time there were two creatures wailing, one was down the driveway, the second was on the mountain behind the house. The female witness called out the male witness and he went to retrieve a firearm. As the male witness entered the house, a glass bottle (presumed to have been thrown) struck the metal (near or on the door). The male witness shot the firearm several times (attempting to scare the creatures away since the female stated that they often did this for bears). The following morning, the couple discovered a lamppost which was cemented two feet deep at the bottom of their stair case had been ripped from the ground and thrown ten feet to the side. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2013 / 18 / S - Kashwitna Lake, Willow, AKA firefighter / emergency medical technician working in the Mat-Su Valley reports a friend of his was at Kashwitna Lake with other friends "...a few years ago" and "...heard something big moving and saw a large hairy creature moving off to where the brush was too thick." He stated it happened when "it was getting dark" and this incident was three years ago. Sasquatch Tracker note: This was reported in 2016 but based upon the statement, the conclusion was that the event occurred sometime during 2013. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2014 / 01 / B / S - Bethel, AKTwo hunters come upon Bigfoot sitting on tundra "..very manlike." Hunters lock eyes and trade gazes. Hunters then depart and keep looking over shoulder to assure they are not being followed,(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man)
2014 / 02 / S - Tuntutuliak, AKTwo teenage girls have sighting after checking on brother and brother's friend swimming. After checking on boys, the girls were walking near an old air strip when sighting happened. One girl mistakes the creature for being her brother's best friend and speaks to it. The creature looked at them then walked into the woods. Described as "...tall, big, dark and hairy. The chest area was grayish."(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/search/hairy_man).
2014 / 03 / B / S - Hooper Bay, AKBosco Olson, Sr. encounters a Sasquatch on beach scavenging dead walrus on July 04, 2014. Olson sees bobbing head and believes it is a raven until he gets closer. Olson waits a half hour or more observing the bobbing head when creature stands. Olson describes it as "...very tall and dark, but its legs seemed somewhat brownish. Its body was very broad and muscular. Olson and creature stare at each other for "five long minutes or more." Olson said it may have been challenging him. Creature then turned and departed to north along beach. The creature stops and picks up driftwood log on beach and returns to dead walrus. Olson remembers he has camera and begins to "take video of it". Almost right away, Olson can not continue to video because the card got full". (Referring to disc in camera.) Olson then watches creature use log to attempt to roll the walrus. Olson senses the creature's frustration at not turning walrus and decides to depart. Seeing the demeanor change, Olson is fearful and cautiously left the area. Olson then returns the next day (July 05) with a firearm to check the walrus and the creature is gone. Olson finds a small steak knife stuck in the walrus meat and evidence of meat being cut from the body.(http://www.deltadiscovery.com/section/hairy_man).
2014 / 04 / S - Mount Roberts, Juneau, AKA photographer from Blue Bay Photography sent us this photograph or picture of a possible Bigfoot. He says he was hiking near Mount Roberts when he saw something moving about 150 yards away. He doesn’t know what it was exactly but thinks it might be a Bigfoot or Sasquatch.(http://bigfootblogger.com/juneau-alaska-mount-roberts-bigfoot-sighting).
2014 / 05 / S - Bethel, AKTwo geese hunters who are from Bethel are the most recent eyewitnesses of a large, hairy, Bigfoot-like creature on the tundra near the community of Bethel. One of the hunters, speaking on terms of anonymity, said that he and his partner were hunting for geese a few miles from the “golf ball” out on BIA Road on the Atmautluak Trail area when they came across the mysterious creature.
The day was a Saturday, May 3rd, 2014. It was nearing 11pm at night but it was still light out with the longer spring days. They were on their way home on their 4-wheelers when one of them spotted the large man-like being, covered completely in dark hair sitting on the tundra in front of a lake with its legs stretched out in front of it. “What is that?” he asked his hunting partner. They thought it was some sort of animal but looking at it, they realized it was sitting down like a person, very manlike. “It looked like it was sitting down to eat,” said the eyewitness. It was not a bear – it was too tall even while sitting, and it was not anything resembling a moose – it looked like a humongous person sitting on the tundra. One of the men was curious and wanted to get closer for a better look. But no, the other hunter did not want to go any closer than they already were, which was about 100 yards or so, so they stayed where they were. When the men first noticed the hair-covered and enormous being, they stopped to watch. At first the being did not know it was being stared at by the two hunters who were very curiously and intently looking. The creature had looked comfortable sitting on the tundra, turning its head and shoulders nonchalantly when it suddenly locked eyes with the hunters. When it locked eyes with them, the creature immediately stopped fidgeting and focused all of its attention on the two men and froze. That gave those two hunters the major creeps. So after trading gazes with the being for about a minute which was about as long as they could stand, the men got back on their ATVs and continued on their way home afraid and shaken but thrilled that they had seen something that could have been Bigfoot! And while they were driving back, they kept looking over their shoulder to make sure the creature was not following them! The eyewitness who reported this encounter said that he had always questioned the validity of Bigfoot sightings. Never before had he seen anything like this, and now he says they definitely did see something. (Reported in deltadiscovery.com, may be related to 2014 / 01).
2014 / 06 / S - Wasilla, AK7-7.5 foot tall, approximately 400 lb. jet black Sasquatch sighted on Glacier Road on the outskirts of Wasilla, AK.
It was mid-May of 2014 my friend called me in a frantic tone of voice and said something was peeking through a grove of trees at him and his brother when they were taking trash out. It was somewhat dark, and they could see the red eye shine and yelled at it. Grabbing his pistol and running towards it, he said it walked so fast that he couldn't even keep up with it while running, the creature plowed right through some thick brush. I went over there, and we talked about it and an hour later we saw sirens across the street, the neighbor across the street was on a stretcher.
We didn't see him for a month, the neighbor's brother came to his house where the accident had occurred, so we went over there to ask him what happened. He said the brother saw something on his camera and so he went outside with his shotgun only to find a huge black creature standing upright that let out a guttural growl that scared him so bad that his heart just faltered, he was an older man who smoked a lot and I bet the infrasound added to the effect.
He threw scraps from his hunts down the hill behind the house, so I bet that's what attracted the "squatch". The man has never returned to his house, and it's now abandoned. I heard he flew back to his home village. Not sure if he's still with us or not. (Anonymous, 2024). Edited for content by Sasquatch Tracker, 2024.
2015 / 01 / V - Mile 1227 Alaska HighwayFather and children hear voices in woods that mimics their conversation. When they spoke to each other, the voices could be heard. When their conversation ended, the voices faded and then "something very large" could be heard moving away through the trees and brush. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 02 / O - Grass Lake Trail, Sweetwater Creek, AKMoose hunters encounter horrible smell after calling for moose and have feeling of being stalked. Hunters reported calling for moose and hearing "noises in the trees behind them". They attributed the noises to bull moose or a bear responding to the calls and continued to call for about an hour. After there was no positive response, the hunters decided to quit for the day. While hiking back to their vehicle, they smelled a "horrible rotten egg smell or really bad body odor". As the smell grew stronger along the trail, a cracking stick was heard in the background. "The cracking sounded like something heavy had stepped on a stick and broken it as it was walking." After hearing the stick cracking, the hunters knew they were not alone and they had a feeling of being watched or stalked as they continued along the trail. At a fork in the trail a few hundred yards from where the odor was encountered, the smell disappeared. The hunters returned to their vehicle and left the area. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 03 / S - Tok, AKCommercial truck driver reports that a tall, dark colored figure that looked like "a very large man" was spotted as the driver came around a curve in the Alaska Highway around 0230 hours during the morning of October 14th. The figure ran along the northbound shoulder of the road for an estimated 75 yards before turning left and crossing both lanes of the highway and disappearing into the nearby trees. The driver stated that he thought he was observing "the tail end of a moose" as it was running from his truck, but when it turned to cross the road, he "was convinced it was a Bigfoot because it was upright like a man". (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 04 / O / L - Taylor Highway, AKSecond hand information was received about a "tribe" of Sasquatch that lives "in the mountains between Tok and Chicken, AK". No other details were provided except that the person reporting the information was told by the originator "that they should be left alone because they are dangerous". Sasquatch Tracker was not able to obtain the originator's contact information so verification of the claim was not conducted. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 05 / O - Cordova, AKSasquatch Tracker Associate D. Shepherd hears "loud crash" on roof of remote cabin. Shepherd was conducting an independent expedition near a remote cabin in the Cordova area and had been scanning the area with a red light as well as tree knocking. Shepherd had negative results from his efforts and entered the cabin to relax. Approximately 10 minutes later, the "crash" occurred. Shepherd conducted an intensive search around the cabin the following morning and found nothing out of the ordinary other than a 14 inch long stick. Shepherd shared with Sasquatch Tracker that there was nobody camped within 3 miles of the cabin and the trees near the cabin were such that a branch could not have fallen and struck the roof, thus ruling out human activity. Weather at the time of the incident was reported as "a light rain with no wind." (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2015 / 06 / S - Skilak Loop Road, Sterling, AKOn 24JUN2015, a firefighter engaged in a firefighting operation briefly encountered "...a tall bipedal animal walking into the woods". The firefighter stated there were no other crews in the area at the time of the sighting, ruling out possible mistaken identification. The firefighter further stated that "... due to the animal's upright posture, gait and extremity proportions, I do not believe it to be a bear." (Sasquatch Tracker, 2015).
2016 / 01 / S - Tok, AKIn June of 2016, a woman driving along the Alaska Highway approximately 6 miles northwest of Tok, AK glanced down a side road as she drove past and saw a tall, dark, “man-shaped” figure. The witness stated she was certain that what she saw was not a moose or a bear and turned her vehicle around to take another look. By the time she arrived at the side road, the subject she had seen had disappeared. Not wanting to disturb any possible evidence, the woman decided against driving down the road to the specific area where the subject was originally spotted.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The witness contacted Sasquatch Tracker directly and described the subject as “auburn colored”. Details were ascertained about the exact location and Sasquatch Tracker visited the site to conduct a thorough search for evidence. Nothing was located because the road showed signs of heavy use (ATV and motorcycle tracks). Any possible evidence was more than likely destroyed by the traffic on the road. The area around Tok (N 63°19’27’ X W 143°1’5’) is a boreal environment and would positively support one on more Boreal Sasquatch or Marked Hominids. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 02 / S - Copper Center, AKA witness living close to Copper Center, AK contacted Sasquatch Tracker via email and reported that “…At 11 pm on the 24th of July, 2016, I was on my way home when I began to drive down our road when my high beams (headlights) highlighted something about 30 feet from the front of my car. It stood at about 6 and a half feet tall, all black. As I approached it, [while still in the vehicle] it took off into the woods – bipedal, arms swinging and lunging forward at an incredible speed and surprising amount of grace. It went back into the woods and disappeared.”INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: Follow up questions revealed no further sightings, but the witness stated her animals were “…terrified of something.” The witness explained that “…My horses have experienced bear, coyotes, wolves, you name it – they’ve handled it. But this was entirely different.” The area surrounding Copper Center (N 61°57’55’ X W 145°19’6’) is a boreal environment that offers abundant food sources including big game and non-game animals, birds, fish and various forms of vegetation. This area would positively support one or more Boreal Sasquatch or Marked Hominids. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 03 / O / B - Togiak River, AKA man contacted Sasquatch Tracker via email and reported he knew of a woman from Togiak who claims "...Bigfoot has been scaring the hell out of moose hunters up the Togiak River." No other details. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 04 / O / B - Tetlin, AKA local man contacted Sasquatch Tracker directly and reported that while moose hunting in the Tetlin, AK area on September of 2016, he was tired and set up a tent to sleep in. While sleeping, the man became aware that something had brushed up against him from outside of the tent. He knew it was not a fox or a coyote by the way he had been "brushed". He considered the possibility of a cow moose rubbing the side of his tent, but the thing that had rubbed him was not large enough to have rubbed against him in the manner he described. The witness said that although he was sleeping, he was aware of what had happened.(Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 05 / T - Telin, AKReported in conjunction with 2016/04, a local man reported a relative and a friend had found a track near the area where the man had set up his tent to sleep. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2016 / 06 / T - Moose Pass, AKHiker discovers tracks on the shore of Upper Trail Lake in Moose Pass area. Reported via email, the witness described finding tracks around the 26th of September 2016 in the late afternoon. Witness stated he discovered a single left foot print 16.5 inches in length by roughly 8 to 8.5 inches in width at the ball of the foot. The track tapered down to 4.5 - 5 inches across the heel section and clear toe impressions were observed. Witness believed the track appeared "about a day old and was right next to the edge of the waterline of the lake shore." Witness also stated seeing the rough outlines of other tracks in the water for a distance of about 10 yards and estimated tracks were 5 - 6 feet apart. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2016).
2017 / 01 / T - Mile 1243.6 AK HighwayOn 23 JUL 2017, a set of tracks were discovered near Mile 1243.6 on the north side of the AK Highway. 23 tracks were discovered along with an area that appears as a “slide” or a “shuffle” of approximately five feet where individual tracks were not recognizable. The tracks appear to be bipedal in nature and are descending a sandy southern facing slope that ranged between 30° at the bottom to approximately 55° at the top. For more details and photos: http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/mile-1243-6-ak-highway-track-summary/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2017).
2017 / 02 / B – Scottie Creek, AK(Mile 1223 AK Highway) Four moose hunters discover cache of low bush cranberries in tree stump. The hunters were under the impression that they may have interrupted a Boreal Sasquatch that had been gathering berries as they approached the area since the berries and a couple of leaves were not wilted (freshly picked). They believed that the berries were placed there to be retrieved when the hunters departed the area. All members of then hunting party described having the feeling of being watched as they passed through the area. Further details and photographs: http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2017/09/22/cranberry-cache-discovered/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2017).
2017 / 03 / B – Northway, AKMen have afternoon tree knocking encounter. During the afternoon of 28 SEPT 2017, two men were grouse hunting and evaluating a local trail system around 4 PM for possible trapping this winter. The men hiked approximately 10 minutes before coming to a hub in the trail and decided to scout the center trail. After 5 minutes of hiking the center trail, the men stopped to discuss various ermine, fox and wolf signs. As the men began to speak to each other, both of them heard a “thumping noise like a stick striking a tree”. The older of the two men picked up a stick and “knocked” back. The man’s response was immediately answered with rhythmic knocking sounds. The knocks were in groups of three and four and were evenly spaced as if deliberate. The older man continued to knock with continued response for an estimate three minutes. Both men had the feeling of “being stalked or watched” and becoming increasingly uneasy, departed the area.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The immediate area is very thick boreal forest with sphagnum moss ground covering. Visibility was approximately 10 yards and the men estimated the source of the knocking was within 50 to 60 yards of them. Both men are accomplished hunters and quickly ruled out bear jaw popping and grouse wing beating sounds. This incident occurred within 0.75 mile of a tree knocking encounter that took place in 2008 (2008 / 02 / B). http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/afternoon-tree-knocking/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2017).
2017 / 04 / T – Bottenintnin Lake Area, AKOn 30 SEPT 2017, Larry Baxter of Homer, AK "observed an impression or footprint on the ground..." while hiking near Bottenintnin Lake. The discovery could not be identified "as being left by any known animal. The impression had characteristics of a human footprint with what appeared to be an impression of a big toe. The impression was photographed." INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: Baxter submitted a notarized general affidavit singed on the 29th of December, 2017 in Homer, AK attesting to the track he discovered. Baxter's affidavit is on file with Sasquatch Tracker in Border, AK. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2017 / 05 / B – Bottenintnin Lake Area, AKOn 14 OCT 2017, Larry Baxter of Homer, AK and his spouse were hiking in the Bottenintnin Lake area and “heard three loud thumps as if something large was hitting the ground.” Baxter described the "sound as coming from behind" them as they walked out of the area back to their vehicle. Baxter "walked back toward the sound and did not see or hear any[thing] that could have been responsible for the noise." Baxter then "tried to replicate the sound by jumping and stomping on the ground and could not reproduce the sound." Baxter further "observed tree limbs that were twisted and pulled down from trees. Baxter stated the limbs were twisted and pulled down at about six feet off the ground, just above" his head.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: Baxter submitted a notarized general affidavit singed on the 29th of December, 2017 in Homer, AK attesting to the sounds he and his spouse had heard. Baxter's affidavit is on file with Sasquatch Tracker in Border, AK. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2017 / 06 / T - Limestone Inlet, AKSelf-described “wandering boat bum” who spends considerable time in remote areas of Southeast Alaska found an interesting track in Limestone Inlet during the summer of 2017. No other details. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2017).
2018/ 01 / S – Summit Lake, AKTruck Driver has had two separate sightings along the Seward Highway in the Summit Lake area (N 60.626684 X W 149.514170) a few miles before the junction with the Sterling Highway (N 60.534004 X W 149.555125) going to Cooper Landing. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 02 / V – Tok, AKA local woman reported directly to Sasquatch Tracker that she had gotten up early on the morning of July 3, 2018 and heard “howling” sounds in the forest surrounding her residence. The witness declined to provide further information. INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The area around Tok (N 63°176’19’27” X W 143° 176’ 15”) is a definite boreal environment and would positively support one on more Boreal Sasquatch or Marked Hominids. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 03 / O - Border, AKOn Friday, October 19, 2018 around 1900 hours local time, a man working in a detached garage noticed his pet dogs acting nervous and restless as they lifted their noses to wind. The man believes there was something on the edge of the trees 50 yards from the garage that the dogs had caught the scent of. The man decided to return to the house and brought the dogs in with him. Later, around 2230 hours local, the man had gone back to the detached garage to retrieve a personal item. While in the garage, he stated he heard something that sounded like “digging” on the north side of the garage structure. The man yelled loudly to the source of the noise to “Get out of here!” and then threw at hammer at the side of the garage to make additional noise. He went outside with bear spray and cautiously searched the area. Nothing was discovered and no tracks were observed.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: There were prior problems with a mature grizzly bear near the house and garage and the man either carried bear spray or a firearm at all times while outside. The source of anxiety in the dogs and the noise on the side of the garage very well could have been the grizzly returning to the area around the house and garage. Incidentally, both events took place within 2.0 miles of #2017 / 02 / B which involved hunters finding a cranberry cache. Unresolved. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 04 / S – Galena, AKAt approximately 12:25 PM on October 22, 2018, a student at Galena Interior Learning Academy (in Galena, AK, N64°44’26” x W156°53’80”) was on a bus traveling to the Sidney C. Huntington High School. The student looked out the window and saw what he thought was a man on a sand bar on the south side of the Yukon River. Intrigued, he continued observation of the figure and suddenly realized that it was not human. The witness described it as being all black and having a cone shaped head. He further described it as “…the creature seemed to be squatting.” Follow up investigation with the student revealed that he considered the possibility that he was looking at a log (driftwood) or some other debris because upon his initial observation, the object was stationary. However, he was able to quickly rule that possibility out when he looked back towards the “object” and saw that it was no longer there.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The witness showed that he believed he was within 1700 feet at the time of the sighting. (Distance was calculated via Google Earth.) He estimated his sighting lasted an estimated 3-5 seconds. The sighting occurred on a sandbar on the northern bank of an island on the southern side of the river. Most of the time the sandbar is under water. When this sighting occurred, the water level in the Yukon River was low enough to expose the sandbar. Further information appears at: http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2018/11/02/gila-student-has-daytime-sighting-along-yukon-river-in-galena-ak/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 06 / O – Kashwitna Creek, AKA woman reported finding an unexplained “face print” on a porch window of a cabin north of Willow, AK. The witness described the size of the face print as “…a foot by a foot…” The witness stated, “It’s possibly a bear, but a bears nose is long, how does a bear get his nose and eye prints on the window?” Outline of face and edge of hair is visible in witness photographs that were sent to Sasquatch Tracker. Photographs pending release. (Sasquatch Tracker, 2018).
2018 / 07 / V - Clam Gulch, AKOn December 30, 2018, at approximately 17:30-17:45 hours local: A man playing with his family dogs outside makes “grunting-growling” sounds to interact with his Great Dane and has his sounds mimicked. The man’s wife explained that he suddenly ran into the house “screaming” for a flashlight. With flashlight in hand, he returned outside to investigate. The woman then hears all the dogs in the area “going nuts” and asks him for an explanation. The man tells her that while playing and making the sounds, something mimicked him exactly but “it was deeper toned and about 50-100 yards from the house!” The woman stated, “Our Great Dane is around 155 lbs. and not afraid of anything…” but in this case, “she had her hackles up [while] sniffing the air and whining like crazy.” The woman mentioned being familiar with moose and bears that had been on the property before, but did not think it was either, especially with …”bears in hibernation right now.” The woman stated she was “fairly new to Alaska” and had a previous sighting in Washington State during 2008.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: The Boreal Sasquatch ability to mimic animal and human sounds has been reported before to Sasquatch Tracker. Clam Gulch, AK is located at N60°13’40” X W151°23’38” on the eastern shore of Cook Inlet. In follow up email conversation, the witness checked the surrounding area later for tracks but didn’t find anything. The witness admitted that she was not 100% sure that the correct area was checked (as in it was difficult to determine the exact direction of the vocalization during the evening compared to the area during daylight) but promised to contact Sasquatch Tracker Associate Larry "Beans" Baxter if anything further developed. http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2019/01/26/vocalizations-in-clam-gulch-alaska/ (Kenia Bigfoot Research Group, 2018).
2019 / 01 / O - Desper Creek, AKOn February 19, 2019 at 0245 hours, the reporting witness awoke to the family’s three dogs whining to go outside. The witness explained that it was a normal thing for the dogs to want to go out during the night for a “potty break”. Each dog would usually go outside one at a time on a retractable leash while the witness would stand just inside the back door of the house. The male dog went out first and he immediately alerted to something near Desper Creek (which runs through the property) approximately 225 yards from the door. The witness stated that the dog’s hackles were up and he was on guard as they both heard four distinct and evenly spaced knocks coming from the creek area. As the dog retreated to the house, the witness put the retractable leash on the next dog. The second dog seemed “oblivious” to what had happened seconds before. As the third dog went out, it turned its nose towards the creek and behaved nervously. While the other dogs were out, the male dog went to the living room and was nervously pacing and “woofing” as he glanced out the window in the direction of the creek. (The living room is on the creek side of the house.) His nervous behavior spooked the other dogs and they quickly joined in scanning the area through the window and emitting nervous “woofing” barks. This continued for some time and eventually all of the dogs calmed down. The witness was unsure of the exact location along the creek where the knocks had come from.INVESTIGATIVE NOTES: A search of the area was conducted. No tracks or other physical evidence was located, however due to deep snow, the search was limited to areas that could be seen from an access road. Incidentally, the Sasquatch Tracker database contains other reports of activity within 4 miles of this incident. http://sasquatchtracker.wordpress.com/2019/02/26/recent-tree-knocking-incident/ (Sasquatch Tracker, 2019).